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Example: Feedback and learning status check from beta testers 

Let's assume that you obtain feedback from external people when implementing a curriculum or an online webinar. These people act as beta testers and give you feedback on the comprehensibility of your interim results. If you review the feedback after receiving it and then implement any changes directly, there is really no reason to keep the feedback available. Test data should also be deleted from the online learning platform before final publication. Here, too, there is no longer any reason to retain this data until the final project results are published at the latest. 

Example: Recording the expenses of project participants (timesheets) 

The recording of expenses by project participants (timesheets) is documented for the purpose of project controlling. The project budget is monitored on the basis of the documented expenses. This purpose no longer applies once the project has been completed. However, the grant agreement with the national agency stipulates a retention period of between three and five years. Furthermore, there may be different retention obligations under tax law in the various EU member states, which must be taken into account. 

Example: List of participants at project meetings  

The list of participants in the transnational project meetings (TPMs) is also documented for the purpose of project controlling. This purpose no longer applies once the project has been completed. However, this data must also be kept for longer as part of the retention periods of the grant agreement with the national agency.

Source: TRESOR69 on Pixabay