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Critical data


In this exercise, you will gain a step-by-step overview of the data protection status of your project organisation. 

Now assess how critical the data processed in the project is. 

Remember: business email addresses of project partners may not be critical if they are published on the organisation's website, for example. Private addresses or contact details of participants, on the other hand, are certainly more critical and should be treated with more care. As soon as so-called "special categories of personal data" are involved, these should not be processed under any circumstances without consulting a data protection officer.


Repetition of "special categories of personal data"

Article 9 of the GDPR defines what must be taken into account when "processing special categories of personal data". This includes data revealing "racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership", as well as genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation. The processing of such data is initially prohibited under the GDPR and is only possible under very strict conditions.