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Check: Duty to inform


Have I informed the data subject about the processing? 

As a data subject, I have the right to be informed about the processing of my data. As data processors, we must therefore ensure that data subjects are informed about the processing of their data. 

This information obligation is usually fulfilled in the form of data protection notices. These can be found on websites, newsletter registration pages, are part of contracts or are provided to us as a separate document. The data protection notices state, among other things, who processes our data, for what purpose and what happens to the data. 

The obligation to provide information can also be fulfilled verbally, but in the event of a dispute it is then difficult to prove that the data subjects were actually informed about the data processing. 

Between project partners, this is usually handled pragmatically, without written information. However, when dealing with external parties, especially private individuals and participants, written data protection notices should definitely be used.

Source: Coffee Bean on Pixabay