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Behaviour as a participant


You can also contribute to data protection when using a video conferencing solution. 

  1. Make sure that the link to access the video conference is only available to participants. Avoid sharing these links on social media or other public channels, unless it really is a public event. 
  2. If possible, use passwords to access a video conference.
  3. The meeting should only be recorded with the express consent of all participants. Consent should be given in writing or at least verbally at the start of the recording.
  4. When sharing your screen, make sure that you only show things that are relevant to the conference. Close all unnecessary programme windows before the transmission, especially programmes that contain personal data, such as your email programme, chats or social media services.
  5. Make sure that no personal data is visible in the background of the image (e.g. documents or notes)

Source: Shafin Al Asad Protic on Pixabay