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Project management


Project planning and task management

An important part of project management is the administration of tasks. As a rule, only the names and business email addresses of project staff are processed here. As long as no other personal data is stored in the tasks, these activities are generally not critical. 

Here are some solutions that are used in project management. The colour coding indicates whether the solution is uncritical from a data protection perspective (green) or whether there are factors that need to be taken into account when using it (orange-red).

Project management

🟢 ProWorkflow: Comprehensive project management tool. Company based in New Zealand and offers comprehensive documentation of the implemented data protection measures including DPA. (https://proworkflow.com/)

🟢🟡Task management via documents such as Excel lists: Here it depends on where the documents are stored. A data protection assessment must therefore be carried out by the file storage solution used 

🟡 Microsoft solutions such as MS Projects or MS ToDos: In terms of data protection law, there is nothing to prevent the use of US service providers. In the case of Microsoft, however, it is urgently advisable to check and adjust the configuration of Microsoft services at admin level accordingly. 

🟡 Planview: Comprehensive project management tool. Company based in California (USA), but offers comprehensive documentation of the implemented data protection measures including DPA. (https://www.planview.com/

Task management

🟢 Easynote is a Swedish business suite that offers task management as well as a calendar function and document and file management. (https://easynote.com/)

🟢 Taiga is also an open source solution operated by a Spanish company. (https://taiga.io/)

🟢 WeKan is an open source solution. WeKan is managed by a company from Finland.  (https://wekan.github.io/)

🟡 Trello is one of the best-known task tools and is now part of the Australian company Atlassian. (https://trello.com/)

This is just a small selection of tools that can be used for project management. The list does not claim to be exhaustive and is not intended as a recommendation. The list merely provides an indication of the assessment from a data protection perspective. We do not receive any support from the companies listed here.

Further information

List of further tools in the wiki of the CUMILA project: