Zum Hauptinhalt



Our rights as data subjects

If someone processes my personal data, I have various rights as a data subject in relation to the processing of the data. These rights are formulated in the GDPR, for example, I must be informed about the processing of the data, I must receive information about the processing of the data and in many cases I have the right to object to the processing of my data. 

These rights are primarily described in Chapter 3 of the GDPR "Rights of data subjects" in Articles 12 to 23. We also have the right to lodge a complaint with a national supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR). In addition, we must be informed by the controller about data protection incidents that affect our personal data (Art. 34 GDPR). 

Our rights in detail: 


Art. 23 GDPR

These rights can be restricted by European or national laws in justified cases, for example for national defence, to prevent or prosecute criminal offences or to enforce civil law claims. Anyone dealing with data protection must therefore always take national legislation into account, as the GDPR expressly stipulates that the provisions can be tightened up and detailed by the member states of the Union. 

We present the rights in detail below.