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Data protection information for participants


The GDPR obliges you as the controller to inform your participants about data processing. In practice, this can be realised via data protection notices on the website or a separate information sheet.

The data protection information must contain the following content 

  • Who processes the participants' data? 
  • For what purpose is the data processed? (e.g. for the proper organisation of the training course)
  • On what legal basis does the processing take place? (In this case, on the basis of a contractual measure (see Article 6, paragraph 1 b GDPR - more information in our course "Basic course on data protection")
  • What personal data is processed? (You should have this list in front of you after the last exercise)
  • Who has access to this personal data? (In addition to the employees of your organisation, these may be third-party providers, e.g. if a learning system is provided by an external service provider).
  • How long will this data be stored? When will the data be deleted from your systems? (Remember: as soon as the purpose for processing the data no longer applies, you must delete the data. Exception: if there are corresponding statutory retention periods that you must adhere to).
  • Last but not least, the information sheet must also inform the data subjects about their rights in accordance with Art. 12 - 23 GDPR. These are primarily information and access rights as well as the right to erasure, data portability, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and the right to object

You can find a template for the data protection notice in our "Tools and Tools" course.

Source: heyannieb on Pixabay