Attention! As soon as you carry out a threshold analysis, we strongly advise you to get a data protection specialist or legal support on board. The data processing is then so sensitive that you need support to ensure an appropriate level of protection.
A threshold analysis is a form of risk assessment that is usually carried out before a data protection impact assessment (DPIA). As a reminder, if the data to be processed is very sensitive data (e.g. Article 9 data), a more extensive analysis in the form of a DPIA must be carried out in order to adequately protect the data.
There are no precise specifications for the number of risk classes. In practice, however, it has proven helpful to use four damage classes and four classes for the probability of occurrence (e.g. minor, manageable, substantial and major).
You can use the following table to analyse the individual processing operations.
Based on this matrix, measures can be taken to contain the risks. These include all technical and organisational measures (TOMs) that reduce either the damage or the probability of occurrence. The so-called "threshold value analysis" produces the following results:
The results of the risk analysis and the measures taken should always be recorded in the data protection documentation.